Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back to school....just not for me.

As I sit here drinking my 4th bottle of water, preparing for my bikram class tonight, I can't help but think of all yogi's beginning their teacher training in LA. Yes, I am insanely jealous, but at the same time, I wish them all the best of luck. The next 63 days will be incredibly tough, but also totally worth it. Trust the process!!

That being said, I am setting a goal for myself. Not a crazy goal, but a realistic goal. Two years from now, I will be starting my 63 days at Bikram TT. This has been a goal of mine for the past two years, however the financial aspect of it just hasn't been there. However, it's getting there. The number I need to prepare myself for is $16,000. Shocked, huh? Here's the breakdown:

$10,900 for tuition

$3200 for two months of bills (This will include the loan that I will have to take out for the tuition, however, this is all a guesstimate.)

$1400 for spending money (Food, emergency items, laundry. This breaks down to about $150 a week.)

$300 for a round trip plane ticket to LAX

It's not that scary once I put it on paper, but $16,000 is still a lot of money! However, compared to most college tuition fee's, it's pretty comparable. And trust me, I've had this argument with my mom several times already.

Time to start saving those pennies!