Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Unexpected

There are two parts of the body that I have learned to respect when they have pain: the back and the knees. I had to take a short break from my challenge for day 9 and 10. I had a horrible pinching in my lower left back. I could even feel a small knot where the pain was. Back bends on Day 8 were very difficult, so I decided to honor that pain and get some rest. It sucks to have to take a break this early on, but unfortunately, it's necessary.

Luckily, I'm feeling better today and am contemplating an outdoor rooftop session tonight. The conditions will be perfect (105 degrees, 50% humidity) and it will definitely be a new experience!


  1. Feeling any better? Listen to your body, don't push through the pain - it can get really ugly really fast. If you need to slow down, do it. It will only make you stronger!!

  2. I am feeling better, however I'm going to modify the last two weeks of my challenge. I think I tried to jump into this a little too fast. That's how you get injured. I'll post more on this later. :)
